Saturday, February 2, 2008

Mirror.. Mirror.. on the wall, which is the best MLM company?

I believe everyone who has understood the power of leverage concept in MLM and keen to operate an MLM business will almost likely ask these questions. Which is the best MLM company among hundreds of MLM companies out there? How to select the right MLM company? How do I know if they are genuine?

These are all a bit confusing for a start.. right?
Well not anymore, I'll help you to sort through, read on to find out the answer.

It's really important for you to know, while your effort is important to determine your success, what is most crucial is your choice. The right choice can determine between a failure and success.

In this article, I’ll briefly explain about six pillars that are necessary to ensure your success in MLM. These 6 pillars are the market, the company, the product, the marketing plan, the support system and the team. If you are able find the best in all these 6 pillars then success from your effort is almost certain.

The first is the market stage of the product. Why market stage is important because it determines the income potential and amount of effort that you have to put in your MLM business. It will be better for you if you’re in a promotion stage rather than in a retail stage.

If the products are already in a retail stage, chances are

1) You have to do hard selling.
2) You have to continuously looking for potential customers to convert them into business partners.
3) Because your business partners initially start as consumer you have to constantly educate and closely monitor and consistently motivate them as business owner.
4) The drop-out rate is normally high since they don’t have strong resilience, so you have to go through the vicious cycle step 2 & 3 again.
5) The profits you’re making from each sale are tiny.
6) Little or no product differentiation between you and competitor. There are abundant of similar products with almost similar features and same price available in the market.
7) You will find it hard to promote your product or share your business opportunity because almost everyone has been approached by similar MLM company.

Now, if you’re in the promotion stage,

1) You’re having the advantage of being the pioneer.
2) Market is new; less people have heard of similar product and there is very little or almost no competitor. To a savvy entrepreneur, this means a big opportunity as the market is fresh and abundance.
3) Your approach towards MLM is also different. You’re not into hard selling of the products rather you’re into building your network of business partners to position yourself before the product goes into retail stage.
4) You’re not focusing on converting customers to business partners; rather you’re identifying and qualifying a potential business owner to operate an MLM business. The advantage is you have time on your side and can better position yourself to share the business opportunity.
5) This means your network comprises of business-minded partners, who are more serious and naturally leaders by themselves, thus increasing your network success.

Yes the hardship for the pioneers is more, but the reward is also more. That’s why only few people dare to become the pioneers and that’s why only few people become really successful in the MLM.

But you may ask, how do I know which market stage the products are in?

We have seen MLM food supplement and water filter market started 20 and 10 years ago, respectively. If you were to join the MLM company that is selling this product then it’s more likely that you’ll be at a retail stage. Both food and water are basic human needs. However food supplement and water filtering only came into the picture as our world we live in becoming more polluted.

Do you realize that beside food and clean water, we have another need? We often take the air we breathe in for granted. Yet we need 13.5 kg of air daily compared to only 2 kg daily for water and 1 kg daily for food. It is also fast becoming polluted.

The need for clean air is real. It’s time we pay more attention to the air we breathe in as we spend about 80% of our time indoor with little air circulation. Poor circulated indoor air contains trapped dust, oils and other airborne particles which is conducive to the growth of bacteria and dust mites, which accounts for most of respiratory problems modern human face.

Given all these facts, could clean air be the next MLM opportunity?

Looking at a nation population of millions, coupled with modern lifestyle that requires us spending most of time indoors and with multiple source of air pollution; I can safely say that…

The clean AIR MARKET is surely a new market to watch for.
The clean AIR MARKET is a big fresh market
The clean AIR MARKET is the now and future market

Have you heard any MLM company promoting the clean AIR MARKET?

If you have heard about it, I strongly believe the opportunity is knocking your door.
The opportunity is NOW here.
You definitely don’t want to miss it.

If you haven’t heard of it, I strongly urge you to go and find out, go and
discover the big opportunity.

The next pillar, i.e. the company, will be explained in the second part of this article. It will address common questions like the followings. How strong is the company? Does it have a good reputation and track record?


ArahMan7 said...

Thanks for this post, Nuazhar. One thing for sure, you gotta educate the masses about MLM. As you know there's so many misinformation about MLM.

You're doing a very good job. Keep on blogging, my friend. I'm sure success will be yours, insyaAllah.

Greetings and lots of love from Kuale Kangsor.

Nuazhar said...

Thanks ArahMan7 :) Yes you're right, there are so many misconception about the wonderful MLM business. While educating the mass abt MLM business at the same time I also aim to provide avenue for networkers to exchange ideas to enhance their knowledge and skills to become successful networkers. Care to drop few suggestions if you don't mind. c u arnd my friend. Hv a nice day :)